Increase size of profile disks on RDS for fslogix

Initially the user profile disk size is configured as 1GB, which most users will reach relatively quickly.

The template size has been changed to 10GB, however existing users will need extending manually.

Logon to the rds server..

Browse the R:\RDS_Profile_Disks and ensure the Shared With column is added to view. R: being your profile disk drive!

Identify the user’s profile disk from the Shared With column and copy the path of the file including file name.

Ensure the user logs off the RDS to release the lock on the file.

Run diskpart and enter the following commands to set the disk size to 10GB. Increase as necessary.




Now the disk is expanded, you must mount the disk and expand the volume using disk manager.

Double click the vhdx file and identify the user disk in disk management.

 Expand the disk to the maximum size.

Right click the User Profile Disk in My Computer and eject it.


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